Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Tues, May 29            We've started!

We met for the first time this morning - minus a few of our group  due to other activities - and, since everyone who was there has been with us before the planning and planting got done by pros!


We covered plants that were low enough for marauding rabbits - they seem to think our garden is their salad bowl. 

The tomatoes have BIG cages on them because have high hopes for these little guys.

What you see here is only a portion of the garden. Check back in coming weeks to see more!

             When the planting was done, we had snacks and drinks, and filled out and shared a personality quiz to learn about ourselves and each other. This is always a popular and fun activity. We are looking forward to having the rest of the group join us next week!

Next Week: Boundaries

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Hands for Growing - Growing Gardens, Growing Healthy Relationships

This 12 week summer program is designed for kids who will be entering 6th-8th grade in the fall of 2018.

Through a variety of activities, games, creative projects and discussion we learn skills needed to grow and maintain a healthy garden and then relate those to skills needed to grow and maintain healthy relationships.

This summer will be our 12th season. We are a collaboration of St.Patrick's Parish and DOVES.

It's time for a new summer of discovery and fun! Learn more about Hands for Growing and sign up here ,  OR come by St. Patrick's...