Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Good Foundations

 Today was all about good foundations. We looked at what makes healthy soil, (because without that good foundation plants aren't going to be healthy), played in the mud a little trying to make soil ribbons, and then dug down to add "green" and "brown" items to our lasagna garden.

When it was all done we covered it up and planted pumpkins. At the end of summer we'll dig down and see how much has composted in healthy soil.

 After all that it was time for a snack. What better with this session than dirt cups? It has layers and gummy worms - and is just plain good!

 If a balance of micro-organisms, inert material and worms, etc, make a good foundation for plants, what makes a good foundation for relationships?

We looked at the Power and Control Wheel, kids identified things that are important to them in a relationship, what things would end a relationship. There was time for group discussion and individual work.

The day ended with the ever popular stacking game which requires teamwork, good communication and problem solving.

The winning team picked out of the prize bag, with the other team following them.

I'll tell you, that bag is pretty exciting!

Next week: Handling Conflict

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