Thursday, July 5, 2018

Identifying Signs

This week was all about signs.

To begin, we named signs that we see everyday, and talked about why they are important.

In the garden we identified 10 signs of a healthy garden...foliage growth and color, water that soaks into the soil immediately, the presence of frogs, and the presence of birds, bees and butterflies, flowers (to invite the pollinators), bushiness of perennials, worms in the soil and minimal weeds.

As we looked at our garden we found that we have 9 of the 10 signs of a healthy garden...we haven't seen any frogs in the garden. That may be because we don't have a source of water for them. What makes that difficult is that standing water also makes a great place for mosquito larva to live, and we certainly don't want to be creating a place for them!

But, overall, the garden is looking great!

Since we were talking about signs, we ran off some energy by playing "Red Light, Green Light." 

Then, of course, the snacks!

For the relationship part of the day we identified and discussed signs that can be a cause of concern in relationships. Each person chose a paper with a caution sign on one side, and the concern on the back. The person who was reading explained their understanding of the sign, and then everyone who wanted to added to it.  It
is encouraging to hear how aware these young people are of warning signs and knowing what to do if they see any of these signs.

To finish this post, here are some pictures of the garden on this early July day.

 Next week:

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